Comedy — A spinning ball through space
We live in a realm that generates a return on our thoughts/words/deeds automatically. What we wish on another we wish upon ourselves. Oh what a realm we live in!
We probably are the creators of this realm. I call it a hologram for want of any description because this realm is beyond the current ability to describe it — words are but puny representations of what reality actually is. And words are so general and broad, it’s no wonder we argue so much — we all have different definitions and interpretations. This shortfall is by design.
Here’s my take on this realm and though it’s quite possible we are ruled by extra terrestrials, I don’t buy that story. Nobody can claim they know, but things have to line up, we can’t just puck scenarios out of our hats, they have to align with what we know/understand to be true, but we must always be able to question every assumption because we really don’t know what is true. Nobody does.
Basic to intelligent life is the freedom to speak and ask questions. So you can see how far from it we have veered.
I personally don’t believe it is aliens who are ruling the earth because I see ordinary people in my life doing the deeds of destruction. It is ordinary humans who are accepting the way things are and even defending this way. I believe the Trojan consists of a group of bloodlines who survived some catastrophe long ago and took advantage of the benevolence of humans. The reason their rule is so toxic is because they interbredd so much they became thoroughly addled. The rest of us are gullible to them, we hide behind their untruths and obey their demands. We do this because they have coopted the resources and we are now beholden on them for survival, or at least we think we are. We depended on them and now we’re left feeling helpless because we can barely grow a carrot. That’s what the derangement has wrought from bloodlines interbreeding — greed, selfishness, wetiko. Since they control the information they can put any spin on it they want. I imagine they feel a constant void and no matter how hard they try to fill it, it can never be filled. Their attitude of me/me ensures it will never be filled, it only digs the void deeper. It grows and spreads like a vile yeast by our pandering to them instead of calling it what it is.
The way we can be healed is by straight out free speech. That’s all! It’s so simple.
Benevolent, peace-loving humans, who naturally share and feel good when they make others happy, got hijacked by some kind of sub-conscious Trojan that gobbles everything up for itself. Though it seems massive it lives only in the sub-conscious, nowhere else. It drives 95% of our actions. It seeks complications, it thrives in ignorance, outside of the light. It hides itself in the dark, because this void doesn’t want its inadequacies to be “caught out”. It is very sensitive to the frequency of “the mob”. Even though for now, it doesn’t look this way — the bloodlines have made it worse for themselves by their interbreeding. Money is the scorecard of the vastness of the void, money gives hubris its manifestation in matter.
Whatever does not align with nature, will be painful. That is how nature communicates with our body.
Now what is the body but another earth itself? We are a consciousness that carries many other beings and species. We have been told that the mind is in the head but maybe this is not entirely so. Perhaps there is a mind in all the beings that make up our bodies? A mind in every cell? Maybe even the beings that make up the “field” outside our skin membrane? Around our membrane is a field that we do have influence over — our matter ends at our skin but our field goes a little beyond and consists of other properties. Matter is only one property of consciousness — matter is a subset of consciousness. This is where science has got it all back asswards.
Think of it like a pebble in a pond — you are the pebble and reality is the pond. The effect you have progressively dilutes the further you move from the point of the pebble — this your core. Now conscious this…(we need a verb for the word consciousness — any ideas? Do you know another language that has a nice-sounding word we could use in the lexicon as a verb for consciousness?)…every human, every animal, fish, insect, bacteria, microbe — also — is like a pebble in a pond. And all these ripples interact with each other in the infinite ways that are possible. I think if we could see our vibrations, this analogy is what may come close to it. All this is going on seamlessly. That’s how intelligent this realm is.
Calling it a hologram is a brief but probably realer picture of the truth of our earth/realm than thinking we are a spinning ball hurtling through space. That view “confines” us and notice that is what the Trojan does to us constantly — confines, restricts, hinders? We can only be creators when we are in balance. Within us particularly, but diluting outwards, we have influence over all the beings who are conscious. Our hubris rarely acknowledges this. Even though humans are equipped with the highest intelligence (yes even more than dolphins) we have been hijacked by something we know little about. Something is in our program that is stuffing up the works. Our attentions rarely if ever spend time examining it, thus it remains in homeostasis continues on its path of inertia. To change intertia, energy needs to be applied. Apathy, acquiescence is the opposite of energy. It’s actually de-evolutionary.
Some cultures call the Trojan wetiko and that’s the nearest I’ve ever heard to recognition of this toxic syndrome. I believe it is in all of us, in various degrees, as we see illwill being exhibited by everyone including myself. I liken wetiko to something like candida and I feel confident that wetiko also expresses as some kind of chemical if exists in this material realm, which it does. It may be something like candida — we all have it but good health lies in the ratio a species occurs. Feed what you want most of, don’t feed what you don’t want. We still need to coexist with candida. I just told you the keys to the universe right there!
The keys are so simple. The Trojan has put them in writing which is a technology in itself. The Trojan has made simplicity complicated. I have a hypothesis that our bodies are equipped with anything we need technology for. I know that’s a stretch but we simply don’t use these capacities because we never look at ourselves we always look outside of ourselves. Scientists call what we don’t use as being 95% junk, DNA that they can’t figure out, they simply call junk. As if nature makes mistakes! Scientists rarely if ever, marvel at nature. They want to conquer it, make it “better”, yet use its designs to build on their constructs while they promote copyright! If only they could see the pompousness in that. Science cannot create, it can only copy nature. The irony is that copying is illegal. This disregards that all biology copies. To make copying illegal means we are going against nature.
How did you learn to walk? Talk? Drive a car? Play video games? Play an instrument? Carry out the job you do? You copied someone each and every time. All biology does. To make copyright illegal is pure dumbness because you’d have to credit everybody who thought of the things you use and that goes back centuries. It would be so cumbersome we’d never progress. Therefore claiming copyright is discriminatory because it only recognizes some originators.
We cannot learn without copying. We would have to keep reinventing the wheel if it wasn’t for copying. Copyright makes absolutely no sense at all. Just like censorship makes no sense. Copyright is actually censorship — it forces others to do what YOU want, to pay you or to not use information the way you want. Information like land, cannot be “owned” — this is simply a story that has been peddled to us and that we bought into. Sovereigns think differently. Sovereigns think in terms of “equality”, that every being including the small and even the unseen beings, are just as important as me. Now this doesn’t mean we have to avoid stepping on ants, just don’t step on them intentionally. I live like this and it’s not hard. Just imagine that the ant could be your great grandmother. Honor everything around you because it is all alive and you have influence. This is the secret the Trojan has been distracting you from. One case to illustrate — the absence of mentioning subjects it doesn’t want you not to know such as the magnificent immune system we are equipped with, and Tesla’s discovery of electro-magnetic frequency.
We are light beings who have come to this hologram to play a game. Perhaps we created the parameters before we arrived, then had our memories cleared. We might have chosen to come here, just like we may choose to play a video game that is very difficult. Being dancing lights, it probably sounded like fun at the time. We may have had clues all the way but our attentions were directed in another direction. We probably designed the game, you know like people might design a building, or a town they want to live in. In reality, we don’t get to design our towns but that is because we are “ruled” and those that do the designs are not interested in equality. They are interested in dominance.
Let’s look at that word “equality”…
What comes into your mind when you hear or speak that word — “equality”?
What are you trying to convey when you use it? I would love to know so please fee free to chime in if you want to make comments. Personally I feel I was sort of born with a sense of equality. Perhaps to me it means justice, it means defending and lifting those who are the underdog. And I see all of humanity as the underdog particularly women. I place much emphasis on women because I guess that is my perspective — I am a woman. Therefore I am going to see things from my coordinates before I see them from any other. I innerstand that seeing things through my own perspective is the proper way to see things. Let me say that I strive for 50/50 in what I do even with animals. I believe our thinking needs to change so that we think in terms of me + you/we but 1 extra percent for moi. It just has to be that way if we want authentic harmony, not forced harmony. Each one has to keep 1% extra for themselves. Each has to stand in their existence — nobody but you has your experience exactly. Yes we care about others too as much as we care for ourselves, but when it comes to disagreements, and even survival, then we stand for ourselves before succumbing to another. The other must look after itself and so this creates harmony, it’s a matter of balance. We need to recognize that sometimes things are not exactly equal. It has to be this way because you are unique and so is everyone else. You exist similarly but slightly differently than any other human. Every leaf is slightly different, every grain of sand.
How can we equalize the energy that a woman puts into growing a child, compared to the energy that the man puts in to growing that child? This is never acknowledged because we live in a competitive world. Woman can be raped by man but man cannot be raped by woman. These realities are not “equal”, nor fair. As far as we know, this is the way it is and until someone comes up with another interpretation, we can only accept it as true. Given these imbalances, how do we foster equality of the sexes? Of children? Of animals? We know we are not going to hold a funeral over road kill. Our actions show we don’t really hold animals as equal. That is as it should be as our biological imperative is to our species first. We give other species love and the attention they need, but our species’ needs must be paramount.
Those who give up on humanity, who don’t care if we wipe ourselves out, are for sure in my mind also destroying their quality of life. This earth is not a spinning ball through space I am sure. It’s almost funny to come up with such a suggestion. It shows how primitive we still are. More telling of our primitiveness is the fact that we systematically kill our own species. This is totally anti-biological and thus suicidal. Those who want to see the human race exterminated are self-hating, because “you are another me”, therefore I am killing myself. Our biological imperative is survival to further the species. That is the prime message of nature. Nature teaches us if we are in frequency with it.
This hologram (for want of a better word) has many layers to it. We know about fractals and it’s something like that on a colossal scale — “as below so above”. So to say we are a spinning ball through space is like saying we have to uproot our lives over a tic or a virus. We are so much more than these little factors. The Trojan wants us to think we are nothing. The Trojan may be a “facility” built into this hologram to stress us into providing fruit. It may be a puzzle we have to decipher in order to determine who goes to the next level of the game. At the next level we are aware of our influence and our consciousness unite and we integrate with matter. This seems to someone of the current level, as though we have magical powers. All this is occurring. Our attention is the real currency because it is the key to energy — where attention goes energy grows. This is the key to the universe. It is as simple as this. I hope you try it.
But just like an instrument, it will be discordant at first. Before we can be virtuoso’s of our own instrument, we need to start with basics and repetition, like learning to Tango and like growing a seed. The first steps take a lot of energy and concentration, and you take steps back sometimes. Keep going. Learn and examine why you went wrong. We have a whole youniverse to explore — inside ourselves. Enjoy!