Denise Ward
9 min readMar 5, 2021

Note: This essay was written in 2016 and has been slightly edited from the original.

Hear ye! Hear ye!

People of the world, would you lend me your ear for a few minutes?

Short of begging you, all who read this — I want to ask — do you feel we can stand up to our masters together? If so, how can we achieve this? We know that we need to do something, but what are we going to do?

I am not trying to tell anyone what to do but we are at the precipice of a whole lot of shenanigans, shall we say. I have done a lot of thinking about this and have actually done what I beseech you to do now. Here’s what can be done by each individual: pledge to at least one other individual to stop paying loans, all loans with banks. The number of people who pledge to do this could be announced on a website. One way could be by publishing the name on a parcel of pixels something like the Million Dollar Homepage. We need to see the ones who are setting forth a new paradigm and who have the courage to advance. We need to see if we have the numbers to stand together and cause a really big splash! If we have the numbers we will know we are all supported by many. Will you do it? Will you? Will you?

What are we waiting for? Are we waiting for “them” to decide our fate again? Are we going to sit like lemmings and wait for “them” to cause an epic economic collapse and plunge us all into squalor again? Or do we want to give “them” a bit of “stick”? I’m up for it as I haven’t been paying the bankster Wells Fargo for over a year now. I haven’t paid taxes for over two years I think, it could be more. I just don’t care. I don’t answer their phone calls or pick up their mail. I haven’t got a clue what they are going to do with me, but how about we do it together folks and get a little bit even? I think we’ll have them eating out of our hands if we stopped bowing to their demands. It will be curious to see what they’re going to do in that situation (wink, wink). Probably they will throw raw meat at us again and offer us some lavish handout. I so wish people would not take ANY handouts from government. We have to learn how to do things ourselves, sometimes we may have to go without. But one thing we really have to do is we have to get off their system. I know it sounds like a lot to ask but are we waiting for permission or something? We can start our own system you know. How many of us are we?

Oh and in the world that we create for ourselves, we will toss out the old, the decrepit, the miserable, the boring and tedious, and we will completely free ourselves from copyrights, patents and all intellectual property. Copyright will have a new meaning, it will mean copy=right — the right to copy. Everything is worth copying that’s how we learned everything we know. DNA copies. We will tolerate no censorship. We don’t need censorship to manage those who say things that are offensive. Trying to do so by shutting them up is spreading the supremacy syndrome. Everything we do we do by argument, discussion, reason and curiosity (why would anyone want to stop freedom of speech? While often they do nothing about supporting the military and government-sanctioned executions)

We have to stand for something or we’ll end up taking anything. And we’re taking a lot of shit already. What could go wrong if we don’t pay the banksters? It takes weeks to arrange proceedings for foreclosure. If there were millions of us who would do this, (who will stick together and do this) we will have the elites eating out of our toe jam. We know what hores they are. And they know us pretty well too since they steal all our data. Really, is this the kind of thing you want for your future and your children’s future? Not to mention the condition they’re turning the planet into. They think the planet is a resource vending machine, they’re taking everything and poisoning us. They think they only have to flaunt some free trinket in front of our faces and we’re going to fall for their trickery again and again. How about we surprise them this time? How about we just stop paying them? Don’t answer their phone calls, don’t open their mail. And enjoy it. Don’t worry about it. They think they have us by the short and curlies. Because we worry about it while they go golfing. They gold while their nation’s people go overseas blowing their brains out and others’ brains out too. People they don’t know. Why does anyone go to war? What the fuck is wrong with people? What is wrong with young, vibrant, people? Why do they accept anything below par? Why are they practicing this atrocity?

Stop paying all loans! Free the students! Free the people! Free yourself! Take off the noose! Throw it in their faces. And walk away. Enjoy your family, your friends, and all the things around us which are legion. Don’t lose one moment’s sleep over not paying your banksters. Feel good about it. Feel good that you gave them the true finger. We have everything to make our lives and the lives of EVERYONE on this planet nothing short of dreamy. We can live in cooperation. We can start practicing now.

Who’s going to go second? Third? Fourth? Four millionth? Let’s do this? Why not? I would like to hear reasons. I think we can sever ourselves from any authority whatsoever unless explicitly stated. This principle should be effective retroactively. Why? Because we make the specifications and we don’t wait for anyone else to “represent” us. We have the tool now — the internet. It may get a bit bumpy but they’re going to take us down, you must know that by now. Not only economically but environmentally and viciously, by imposing a military and police state. They have the technology to do the most dastardly things now. If we leave them in charge, we will be the recipients of their mercilessness. They do the most heinous things even to children and babies. These are the characters that will be in charge going forward. Unless we withdraw our consent explicitly. We can fill the void with our own set of principles. We can build a world based on consensus and total equality where our systems, including our money systems, support our highest ideals. That is the kind of world we are capable of co-creating. It will be like an opera for humanity. The inspiration will impel us to reach our highest potential and help others reach theirs. No longer will we toil in pettiness and minutiae. We have a wonderful world awaiting us. We can go into detail to toss these ideas about. It will be compelling for everyone because we are all human, even those who are spying on us and plotting our extermination. I think it starts with forgiveness. But in the meantime, let’s have some fun with them hey? Who wants to do this? Who will consider this? I’m sorry I was so verbose. Just that I’m excited!

Come on. Let’s dive into the great unknown? Let’s go surfing on a massive adventure, a magic carpet ride together, one that humanity has never before experienced. And on this adventure, nobody has the data on how it is most likely to turn out because it has never been done before! Yes they have all the weapons but let’s try something new hey? We’re offering them a world too, where they can enjoy their children and get to know themselves, their true, true selves which was everyone’s birthright to know. Surely the current way of life is not good for their health either even though they’re at the top of the heap. This is something that has never been done before in the history of humankind. We are at a point where our odds are raised by many degrees because of the tool we have at our fingertips. Till they do something that will sicken us or incapacitate us somehow, in the myriad of ways they’ve been devising we need to practice new habits to get out of this trap. We’re all in it because we are all supporting this system in some way. We have today at least a 50/50 chance of making this world live up to our highest ideals. We can have fun with this too! If we’re going to have a revolution, let’s make it different this time, let’s make it a comedy revolution or a laughing revolution, a revolution of mind. Let’s try things we’ve never tried before? What could go wronger?

Living on this trajectory means curtains. And we would get so much confidence by changing direction. We will flex our muscles and turn the tables. Oh sorry, I should not keep going on and on…But it’s so exciting! I have chosen to envision this world with the understanding that it seems true that what we envision, especially as a collective, can almost magically come about. Science has forgotten about magic. But magic is in our freedom to choose. There has always been the odd person who had the courage to stand up to tyranny and barbarism. But now the barbarians can do such serious damage to the world that even if they don’t aim their weapons directly at us, the effects of their recklessness will be paid by everyone.

I am trusting in us. We need to take a stand if not now, soon. Those who remain neutral will by default side with the incumbents. And I’m not talking about a rock band.

Before they ruin the internet and make it just another peep hole to perve on us with, we have the tools and the opportunity now. We never know what gag they’re going to pull on us next. It sure would put a dent into the elections too wouldn’t it, if we stopped paying banksters from now till November. We will write the script as we go along. We have the creativity and the energy. We will elevate each other and we will live in harmony with each other and with nature. And we will design the software that will help us reach as far as we aspire to go. We will first off, release all people and animals who are living in cages. This will not appeal to everyone but if we cage our own species, none of us are safe from having our lives snatched from us at the whim of someone who probably couldn’t even beat you at chess.

Imagination. Einstein said that imagination is more important than knowledge (and please don’t take it as gospel just because Einstein said it) What kind of a world do you want to co-create? Can you imagine it?

Let us make a choice to thrive, not just survive. And help each other where we can. We have more skills as a collective than we can imagine.

Let’s initiate the collapse?

Who’s in?

PS: NSA spies who are looking at this are welcome to partake too. And this new world, which you will co-create, will have you using your talents for designing really awesome stuff, not this rubbish — spying on your own fellows and letting your colleagues spy on your own families and friends. It’s a sick society this way. Computers can do almost everything in the new world. You won’t have to go to work every day like you do now and suck up to some boss. Maybe one day a week you’d be on a roster to do a job nobody else will do. We’ll all pitch in likewise. But nobody will HAVE to do anything. We’ll work out how we’re going to design it and programmers can write the software. We need to move into the 21st century not live under the rule of this bunch of old codgers who think they were born to rule others. Nobody shall rule anyone. And with that principle, shall be the foundation of a wonderful, glorious world.

Life is Art my friends. It is not money. Money done in the way it is right now is no longer a tool that serves us. All systems must serve us otherwise, why have them? To enslave ourselves? Haven’t we seen enough of poverty, war, minutiae? Break the chains. And let’s dive in! Who will make this pledge and then carry through? Who will have the banksters quivering? I shall envisage the excitement of millions of us doing this!

May you blossom everyone!

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