The One Ubiquitous Cause
We are at the sixth major extinction. Everyone knows that species are dying, the permafrost is melting and humans are polluting the planet like never before. All of this within the age of industrialization, the last 300 years.
We hear Greta Thunberg talk about the younger generation having to bitchslap adults into doing something about the environment. We have heard the Bioneers talk about spirituality and care for nature. We have heard Bill McKibbon, Naomi Klein, James Hanson, lots more. We’ve had conferences, workshops, seminars, courses, protests, street theater, Earth Days, Extinction Rebellions all going back decades.
Seems humans can certainly dish it out to nature but don’t seem to be able to work their way out of a paper bag to fix their abuses. I am human too sometimes sad to say. I cannot understand why all the climate heroes never identify the problem that caused everything in the first place and continues to do so. All they do is give you nightmares but slim on solutions.
Some might blame corporations. Some might say politicians. Some might say Capitalism. Some might say guns.
It’s those too but even they are dependent on one particular thing which is the cause of all causes, can you guess?
Clue — it’s something that motivates you, that motivates everyone. It’s something that allows kings to reign and corporations to rule. It’s something that allows child, human, animal and organ trafficking. It’s something that man just made up one time and now determines everything humans do –literally everything. It’s something that tears families and friendships apart, and it’s something that causes unholy alliances.
What could be so deep-seated, so congenital that nobody either sees or is willing to admit what the most significant cause of our problems is?
It’s not physics, we know that because physics works harmoniously. It’s not the weather because though it can cause disruption, it’s always localized and temporary. It’s not the Russians because it started way before Putin, or Trump.
So what is it then?
What is it that nobody wants to mention? And why do they avoid mentioning it? What is behind this silence or unwillingness to break it down to an actual cause?
The funny thing is with all this hand wringing and debating about the environment’s apocalypse that we’ve heard over the decades, we really don’t even know the first thing to do. Fingers are pointed here, other fingers pointed there, the disintegration goes on unabated as the inhabitants of earth shoot themselves in the foot.
The answer to the problem is this — are you ready for it? It is money. Was that hard for you to answer?
Yes it is money. Once we recognize this problem, we can do something about it. Money is simply an idea and an arbitrary construct. It is not physics, it is not the weather, it is not Capitalism, it is not guns. The problem is — money itself, but particularly money that produces interest. Yes! It’s that simple. If money didn’t have interest, things would be very different. The banks wouldn’t own the world for one thing. For another, humanity would actually progress and prosper. And that progress would be seen immediately, and by seeing it, would stimulate more progress and we’d keep going like that and just fly. Bankers don’t want you to know this, neither do their affiliates — corporations, government (including learning institutions) and media.
And all the climate gurus are not saying it is money — why?
Because the only heroes you get to hear about are those who are themselves bought out. Greta Thunberg is sponsored by the UN, Bill McKibben, Naomi Klein, James Hanson and all the climate “heroes” are mouthpieces of the corporate media. You only know about them because the media lets you know. The media itself has deep interests in the status quo to keep oil as the basis of the economy for as long as it can. These people will never say money is the problem — probably because they themselves are just as hooking on it as the psychopaths who run the world. The media is directed by executives who are heavily invested in dirty energy companies, companies that keep us in chains. Everyone can be paid off, even the journalists know what not to say. People are paid to tell outright lies even.
Try saying you hate money and see the reaction. Even from your peers, even from the poor. You can see the emotional response coming from deep within.
Money decides where we live, the quality of food we eat, where we send our children to school, who we marry, the quality of water and air. Money decides everything.
Who could have thunk that one concept and a silly one at that, could be so omnipotent?
The climate heroes we hear of never go all the way. It’s scripted like that. They keep you on a hook making the “unwashed masses” get an impression that someone is taking care of it, so you can relax and keep spending. And keep burning fossil fuels.
I posit that chemtrails are to keep global temperatures down so that people won’t notice the damage fossil fuels are making to our habitat and thus keeps us addicted to them. Cheap gas makes us even less conscious. If chemtrails stopped suddenly, we’d probably fry. If manufacturing stopped suddenly, it would be the same. The climate will need time to adjust. We must do it gradually. And we are all capable of weaning ourselves off these fumes.
People are looking for heroes outside of themselves. They believe their conditioning, that we’re nobody unless we have money. The world runs on this theme. The masses empower strangers to decide their destinies while they spend their lives running around trying to fit into the mold of money.
We can change all that — you want to know how?
Good practices and actions need to be recorded. What is not recorded is not valued. NumeroSet is an alternative money system we could be using now — today. We could be awarding points to people we know for doing things we need done. We don’t need the banks. NumeroSet makes the individual the bank. It puts you in charge of your destiny. You decide what to issue. Our own alternative money system can take us on a new trajectory of caring for the earth and being paid for doing the right thing — caring about our habitat. We can’t stay on this current system. The heroes will never tell you that. Not the heroes you see on television or in the mainstream media. Not even the heroes you see in alternative media. But that is the only solution that makes sense and it can be done right now by you and by everyone who cares.
We can grow a new motivation system by using it ourselves at least occasionally and getting at least one other person to join and trade with. It doesn’t have to be NumeroSet, it can be Timebanks, a simple solution to trade points. Whatever one we choose, we build it one person at a time — I get others to join and encourage them to get others and so on. That’s the most sustainable and organic way to grow. We can start familiarizing ourselves with it now and when the whole edifice or debt money comes crashing down (as it’s bound to with its boom and bust cycles), we’ll be riding pretty. It is in our hands, whether we know it or not. The power is within YOU.
Everything starts with YOU — the individual. That is the new paradigm. If you are a free thinker, if you hate government, if you hate taxes, if you hate human trafficking, if you hate being policed, then it starts with YOU. Nobody is going to come to do it for you no matter what the media tries to make you think. We are growing up and like all adults need to make our own decisions. So start practicing now and before long, we’ll get the hang of it.